Home| Dental Services|Sedation Dentistry|Oral Sedation Dentistry With oral sedation, our Bethesda dentists—Dr. Deb and Dr. Rob—can change the way phobic patients feel about dental care. Oral sedation is the perfect alternative for people who have dental fear, trouble with dental anesthesia (typical dental numbing), or sensitive gag reflexes, and who don’t have complex dental needs. In addition, oral sedation eliminates the fatigue that can result from extended or multiple dental visits. Oral Sedation Process On the day of your appointment, you will achieve total relaxation simply by taking the oral medication Dr. Deb and Dr. Rob administer. You will need a friend to drive you to and from our Bethesda dental office, because the medication will make you drowsy and unable to drive. After you arrive, we will make sure you are comfortably seated in the dental chair and cover you with a thick, warm blanket. A member of our highly skilled team will monitor your vital signs throughout treatment. When you are completely relaxed and ready for care, Dr. Deb and Dr. Rob will provide you with an excellent dental experience. After your treatment is complete, your friend will take you home to relax for the rest of the day. You will have little or no memory of your treatment. The effects of oral sedation will subside the following day, and you can go about your business as usual. Contact Bethesda Sedation Dentistry If you are ready to experience total comfort and achieve optimal oral health and beauty, contact Bethesda Sedation Dentistry online or by phone to schedule an appointment. We would be happy to explain more about oral sedation.