Bethesda Sedation Dentistry Nomination for “Best of Bethesda” Readers’ Poll

Bethesda Magazine’s Best of Bethesda Readers’ Poll is now open, and we are encouraging our patients to support their favorite Bethesda establishments by voting! We are proud to be nominated in the “General Dentistry” category. Voting is easy–all you have to do is go to their website, scroll down to the Health, Fitness, and Beauty category and enter the name of your favorite dental practice, along with at least four other “bests” of your choice.

Only one ballot is allowed per person. Participants will receive a $10 coupon to Roof Bethesda restaurant within five business days of voting. The final results of the poll will be published on the Bethesda Magazine website February 1st and in the January/February issue of Bethesda Magazine.

Our experienced dentists, Dr. Deborah Klotz and Dr. Robert Schlossberg, along with our exceptional office team here at Bethesda Sedation Dentistry appreciate your support. Remember – the poll closes by September 15th, so don’t forget to vote!